Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo
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Author:  checkmate [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

oh please, you are incorrect, on the loan proceeds that was supposed to be mailed out last friday the 19th not everyone has received there check as of today the 26th. Answer that one. And as for calling Nick, if he was really the poster, let him answer my questions in my prior post. l know you will say he is to busy and why should he have to come on this board, but he could reach more people this way then individually.

Author:  ohplease [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

stop and call him.  It's simple.  The time you take to post you could have called and asked the question.  But I'm done this site has become to pathetic to respond to  You people really don't want answers, you just want something to do all day.  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  Big Will [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Why would checks be going out at all if it was a scam?? If it was a scam why would checks have gone out at all since the Sept 29th loan got extended? Wouldn't it make sense to take off at that point. That was 3 months ago, in that time thousands of checks have been paid out, equating to millions of dollars. Why would he keep coming up with more payments if it was a scam! Why would he waste money on a building for a sports complex if it was a scam and he knew he would eventually have to skip town. The millions in interest payments that have gone out over the last three months to investors, have been paid by interst and balloon payments made by the borrowers during the loan extensions. Doesn't that make a little more sense than the conspiracy theories that have been fabricated in this thread? Nick would've shut down and ran for the hills months ago if this was not the case, why hold forums to face your investors when each week costs more in overhead and payments to investors? Why is there not a legitemate complaint from a real investor yet out of thousands of people, yet a few non invested fools with nothing better to do with their time can cause all of this negative speculation?

Author:  Investor07 [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

I have called and left 3 messages for him with no return calls. This has been over a 3 week period. Now when you call his phone the voicemail is full. Stop saying "Call Nick"

Author:  Investor07 [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Big Will: Please don't make statements that thousands of checks have gone out for millions of dollars, because unless you are an employee or cosmo himself, you wouldnt know what theyve sent out.

Author:  checkmate [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Big Will, l repeat the several investors l have spoken with have not received there checks, either interest or principle from fridays mailing.
We shall see who the fools are soon enough.

Author:  careful [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Seems like Big Will is a "rep". No one has responded to my prior post as to who is doing the legitimate work at Agape, not the obtaining of monies. As to what the reps have, cars, houses, etc., not only will you lose it all to defense attorneys and illegal gains forfeiture, but you will probably go to jail as well. At that time, you will also find out what a Real lien is when they attach your assests.
The education level of the reps and pro agape people in these posts lets you see how easy it was and is for a convicted felon to set this all up. These "reps" could never get a real job on Wall Street or a legitimate bank, so I think they do not want to know that it is all fake and they will probably end up in jail, at a minimum lose whatever they have stashed away and bought.

Author:  Prophet [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

careful wrote:
Seems like Big Will is a "rep". No one has responded to my prior post as to who is doing the legitimate work at Agape, not the obtaining of monies. As to what the reps have, cars, houses, etc., not only will you lose it all to defense attorneys and illegal gains forfeiture, but you will probably go to jail as well. At that time, you will also find out what a Real lien is when they attach your assests.
The education level of the reps and pro agape people in these posts lets you see how easy it was and is for a convicted felon to set this all up. These "reps" could never get a real job on Wall Street or a legitimate bank, so I think they do not want to know that it is all fake and they will probably end up in jail, at a minimum lose whatever they have stashed away and bought.

So true. They don't even know how little they know. Cluelessly sitting in the dark. Wait until the light is turned on.

Author:  ArchieJohn6464 [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo ... yID=139740

Author:  admin [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Okay . . . that is it!!!! :evil:
I am so sick of the name calling and crap going on in this thread! It ends NOW or this entire thread will be deleted!

Author:  Dweeber [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Last I checked the name of this website was Scam Victims United, started by a couple Einsteins who fell for the Nigerian scam. Since Agape has produced zero victims what exactly are we debating?

Author:  ntascm [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

ya know, I've been reading these "Agape" posts on this web site since the beginning. Never posted...but it has just occurred to me that this has become a BLOG. This topic and all of its posters have lost all credibility. What a big waste of time.

Author:  meatcurtains [ Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

admin wrote:
Okay . . . that is it!!!! :evil:
I am so sick of the name calling and crap going on in this thread! It ends NOW or this entire thread will be deleted!

I beg you not to end this thread nor delete it! You are doing a great service by keeping this alive, in that you are saving numerous people from losing their life savings. The Agape reps will come on here and spam the hell out of the thread, just like hopes that you will shut it down. So, if you do...they have won that battle.

It is VERY important to keep this information in public view.

Author:  meatcurtains [ Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Dweeber wrote:
Last I checked the name of this website was Scam Victims United, started by a couple Einsteins who fell for the Nigerian scam. Since Agape has produced zero victims what exactly are we debating?

the guys that founded this site, per my understanding - were trying to get the message out there and hopefully help others avoid the pain and frustration of being a victim of the same or similar scams. That is also the purpose here, we are just trying to warn others to do their homework before investing with Agape.

Why aren't there any victims yet? Do your homework on a ponzi collapse...there is never just one or two victims, until EVERYONE is a victim. It crashes entirely at one time.

Some questions have been recently asked that will shed light on this: What law firm is retained by Agape for the closings, paperwork, etc? What accounting firm does their books? Who does the selling of the loans? If these can be answered, maybe that will shut a few people up. Every other Bridge Loan company will gladly release this information. How about some pictures of the properties that are under contract? Addresses? Go Google Bridge will see that credible firms proudly display this info right on their websites.

Author:  whoru [ Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Agape World, Inc. -- Nicholas Cosmo

Hey Meathead,
I thought you were not posting anymore. Ntscam has a point, there has really been no productive outcome from 18 pages of opinions. Some are for, others (like yourself) against. I think the only thing this site is enabling at this point is...allowing those with vendettas against Cosmo and his company to continually (appear to be) a thorn in his side. Seems to me that when one question is answered, another one is posed. Which just creates an endless cycle of nonsense. If the moderators allow another 18 pages of crap...this board will be exactly where it is right now. BLOG.

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