Nigeria Romance Scammer???????
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Author:  dlbt1 [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Nigeria Romance Scammer???????

Hi, I am new to this site but am 98% sure I am communicating with a romance scammer, he first contacted me on where I have a profile, asked that I concact him via yahoo messenger (im's). I will list all the information I know about him below, if anyone reconizes this person please concact me thru this site.
David Faerber
has a 10yr old son, "Richard"
Is a Petrochemical Engineer working in Nigeria
address he has gave me
250 Canton Close Ogba
Ikeja Lagos Nigeria 23401
ph# 011 234 8028 859 819
wife is deceased
is a US citizen, even though he speaks English very poorly, and his writing and spelling are really poor
claims to be 53 yrs old

Thank you in advance for any information you may have and share.

Author:  admin [ Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nigeria Romance Scammer???????

I say scammer

Author:  Elmer Rickey [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nigeria Romance Scammer???????

I was a member on a date site and received an email from a good looking guy in a picture. Claimed to be an American whose lived in UK and now works for the oil companies in Irag and Nigeria. Claimed to have attended the Univ of London but his grammer was horrible and he misspelled simple words like "expert" which he supposedly was. Any how after a few days of emailing he professes his undying love. Then a few days later he claims he's in trouble needs to get out quickly because he's afraid to get kidnapped but doesn't have enough money for ticket. His employer is going to pay him but only in US Money Orders which he can't cash in Nigeria. He becomes insistent that you send him money to help him get to back to US and to you his soulmate etc... etc... DON'T GET CAUGHT. Check out yahoo groups RomanceScams.

Author:  dlbt1 [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nigeria Romance Scammer???????

Update, I suspected this "David Faerber" was a scammer from the begining, accent, poor spelling, Petrochemical Engineer working in Nigeria........well yes he eventually asked me for money to help him get out of Nigeria, "his son was injured in a riot over the elections"....I asked him to send me a recent picture of him, that was date stamped. He sent me a picture of a man standing in front of an atv, the man is wearing a FULL HELMENT, the kind that covers all your face except the eyes, nose and mouth. He must think I am very Stupid.....I told him to stop contacting me, I was not going to give him any money, he still emails professing his undieing love...bla, bla, bla! I tracked his IP address, it is routed thru about 15 different places. As the other person said he first contacted me thru OKCUPID. Anyone contacted by this name, DAVID FAERBER, he is a scammer and I beleive part of a larger group because on one occassion he was IM'ing me and I mentioned his son "Richard" it took him about 3 minutes to respond, I am sure it was not the same person, he had to do his research before he could reply, then his reply was generic, like Richard could have been anyone, not necessarly his son...BEWARE!

Author:  klsmith627 [ Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nigeria Romance Scammer???????

just 3 weeks into communication with a contact, HARRY KNIGHT was in love with me, a one-woman man and very romantic. I was his `baby` and going to help him get back a love life since the tragic death of his wife. He was a building contractor, widow with a 15-year old son named Cody, currently working in Lagos, Nigeria. When he asked for $500 to set up an account for payment from the job, it didn`t take too long to find him on After doing some research on Nigerian Romance Scams, I am blown away by the industry. Note: he did not get one penny from me. DON`T GO THERE!!

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