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 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:47 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:14 pm
Posts: 1
I am very sorry all these things are happening to you good guys just trying to find a good decent girl. These big greedy romance tour companies are really taking advantage of you. However it's going to keep happening if we don't get the massage out there. I used to work for these companies for 15 years but I quit because of all the fraud. Now I've started a series of reality videos on youtube telling everybody the whole truth about what these companies are doing. You should check them out and tell your friends so they won't be cheated.

Part one

Part two

Also, You are all invited to leave your comments under those videos on youtube. I'd also like to invite the ones interested to have a Skype video call so you can tell us your own experience and have the world know what can be done to stop this.

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:40 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:25 pm
Posts: 4
@Pennywise - yes, it is certainly a possibility that these 'pro-dater' exist, but it doesn't explain their refusal to communicate off-site now, does it? And Anastasia's shitty flash-based Chat setup is certainly not the reason the women insist on remaining - Skype for instance is far far better and more reliable. And "scamming" as I understand the word is not the issue - many of these ladies are simply 'doing their job', being employed by Anastasia to keep punters online chatting (therefore spending!) - and as many of their competitors & former-customers have accused them of doing! But almost impossible to prove...

Just a final addendum to my Anastasia-experiences. What I didn't mention in my last post was that after initially funding my account, Anastasia's "Risk Management" dept. immediately disabled my 'Purchase Credits' option, preventing me from purchasing any additional credits. The reason? - well, having set up the account months in advance and never intending to fund it, I had used a fake name. Note that this 'diligence' on Anastasia's part only became evident AFTER they had debited my card! Intriguingly, their email informing me of this also said that if I didn't supply the required proof that I was the owner of said-CC within 5 days, they would delete my account & refund the CC-holder in full - a response certainly indicative of a company concerned with fraud I would have thought! Maybe all the 'Bad-Press' that Anastasia seems to get was wrong? Nope! :D - I decided to call their bluff, and after almost 1 month my account was still present & usable and my CC had not been refunded!!! Below is a pic. of their initial email to me, setting out their 'concerns';


A word about the 'proof of identity' they were demanding. As their email states, either scanned back & front of CC, plus ID - or a phone number that they could phone to confirm my identity. Given that this is Anastasia, the former they were never going to get! The latter is a nonsensical form of identity-check and I had no intention of legitimising their sham 'anti-fraud' concern by providing such. And I told them as much in the below text from the email I sent;

Hi. I have been pondering on how to respond to your email (Message #801384435) relating to a 'payment issue'. First off, to say I feel uneasy about sending scanned CC details AND "Credit Card owner’s ID" (whatever that is!) to a company that rates an abysmal 'F' grade with the Better Business Bureau is an understatement! Secondly, your other suggestion of supplying a contact telephone number is equally absurd - where is the 'security' in that? Thirdly, the fact that it is almost 1 month since my initial payment, so well after your bluff about deleting my account & refunding my CC after 5 days, speaks volumes about where your companies real motivations lie! Besides rhetoric, I have yet to witness a single example from Anastasia that they give a toss about anything other than turning the largest profit possible! I simply do not trust you...

That said, I was equally surprised that my using a different account-name would trigger this as being a "suspicious" activity, particularly since the CC payment was immediately processed, with it only then being flagged as such! Again, this shows precisely where Anastasia's motivations lie. Surely you must have come across situations where account holders have used a 'pen-name' rather than their real name? And kindly explain to me how this situations renders a payment as suspicious? This is obviously just a sham, an attempt to portray your processing-dept as being diligent in the eyes of the paying customer. You also must not rate your average customer's intelligence too highly if you think they would be impressed by this.

While on the subject of Payments, one thing that amazed me when funding my account was the complete lack of any form of 'Confirmation-of-payment' in use - I have never seen any business that does this! - given the fact that by default the maximum dollar-amount is always selected by default! With Anastasia's almost-legendary reluctance to ever issue a refund, this practice is bordering on criminal!!! And this 'one-click-to-debit-CC' also seems available from the Chat window!!! Much more worrying, this also suggests that ALL CC-details are being stored on your server, including security-code details - how is this even legal?!?! This is one issue that I personally feel should be reported to the BBB. Needless to say, the very same 'no-confirmation-one-click' policy is also employed throughout the site itself, to aid in the usage of credits as quickly as possible. With Anastasia also swamping your account with 'fake' letters from ladies, this becomes a real issue - it is exceedingly easy to click on the wrong letter, something that happened to me several times.

Excuse my bluntness but I felt this needed a frank response. To sum up, I will not be sending CC-details or contact-number details - the latter 'compromise' being an absurdity as a 'security-measure'. All I can suggest is that you check my first letter to 'xxxxxx', in that I open by telling her my real name. If this proves unsatisfactory, then please delete my account.

This bulk of my questions & concerns were then completely ignored in their response, simply 2 lines repeating the same nonsense about supplying scanned CC/ID details or a contact-number. I replied by telling them to delete my account, which they did shortly afterwards without so much as a confirmatory email response!

My one real concern about Anastasia's whole shoddy business practice concerns their '1 click purchase' policy - just one click on a button within either the Purchase section or from the Chat window and your CC is immediately debited by up to $399 without any confirmation-request! First-off, how is this even allowed legally? Secondly, where is Anastasia storing & retrieving the required CC-information from to accomplish this? I listed this concern in my email to them but it was ignored! The obvious way of achieving this would be to store & retrieve this info from cookies stored locally, but even this is worrying - I certainly am not comfortable with data this sensitive being stored anywhere! Much more worryingly, could Anastasia be storing this data on their servers? All it would then take is for someone to crack your Anastasia account - for which they use absolutely no other form of 'protections' such as confirmatory-questions etc. - for them to charge 1000's to your CC! Any other company and I'd say no, but this is Anastasia were are talking about here! Although it will be of no concern to Anastasia given their already-appalling reputation, I think I'll drop the BBB a line about the above as well...

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:22 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:25 pm
Posts: 4
@tonybochene - I've just watched your videos - there's actually 3 videos available now, not just the 2 above, and from what I gather, more to come - excellent stuff! It's good (though sad obviously!) to get insider-info that the skulduggery that these companies are often accused of is not only practiced, but actually is company policy. I was surprised that AFA fared as badly as they did from your experience with them - I was starting to believe their web-site hype and was thinking about trying them out. But Anastasia you seem to agree is still the worst out there.

Have you had any experience with Elena's Models, and if so, how would you rate them?

To summarise for those who haven't seen and/or don't intend to watch the videos - the bad things you may have read or suspected about these dating companies is basically all true! From gold-diggers, fake computer-generated 'letters', virtually non-existent 'vetting' of ladies, fraudulently displaying ladies as 'on-line', fraudulently using model-agency purchased photos of unavailable ladies etc. etc. etc. I was surprised initially to read that the tours are generally money-losers but an essential component in perpetuating the fraud - in retrospect it does make a lot of sense though! Not as surprised to read of the generally "bad-girl" make-up of said tours - some of the photos you briefly display (which I gather are genuine 'tour-ladies') are more representative of hookers than potential wives! :D

Basically, the web-site operations are the real 'cash-cows' for both of these big operators, so by cutting off their prime revenue source by no longer funding them would at least see them forced to clean up their act.

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:09 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:26 pm
Posts: 1
Anastasia is 100% a scam.

I don't say this from any bitter or twisted point of view I just don't like people getting conned. I am British, in my mid 30s, live in London but do a lot of business in Ukraine and am often there (in 7 cities - Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Odessa, Kiev, Sumy and Lviv) during my visits I have met staff from the website and even one poor lovestruck travelling American...

During my extended time in Ukraine I have met many people including 3 girls who work as professional emailers for the website - that is, you send an email to the girl you think you are communicating with - you pay to send the email and a "professional emailer" will email you back flirting and encouraging you (pretending they are the girl). You pay for each email you send so they will string you along as long as you are paying them. The 3 girls I met (in social life there) speak great English and as such no "translation" of your email will ever be made - they simply read your email and reply to it affectionately. Now don't get me wrong these girls are not proud of what they do, when I first met them they simply said they work as a translator, no further details... but I asked directly to them if they work with Anastasia and I was very positive in my tone always smiling, soon their guard came down and we openly talked about their work in detail - after I learned everything from Anna (based in Kiev), the first professional emailer I met, getting details from the other 2 (completely unconnected to Anna and each other - one in Sumy, one in Odessa) was easy as I just rattled off my understanding of the way it all worked in a positive tone and they confirmed adding extra details... Reporting accounts are created by each professional emailer detailing how many emails they have received and sent for the fake profiles.. the top earning fake profiles gross over $1000 a month for Anastasia... replicating that across 15000 profiles has a business worth $15m per month ($180m/yr) that would justify in any normal and legal sphere a website valuation worth over $1billion... are you starting to understand why the heartbreak of you and a few hapless Americans really doesn't matter....?

Structurally the 3 girls officially work for other 3rd party agencies (all different) that were established by Anastasia bosses along with several similar agencies all over Ukraine to create a mask to hide behind if there was any scam exposure - the wholly Anastasia owned bogus agency use Anastasia as a shop window to the world for its fake profiles and as such if the fakery is ever proven Anastasia can point at the agency and say they were the fraudsters and Anastasia are the "oh so innocent" party. AND HERE is the very very clever part of this element of their scam... in the early days they not only created their own agencies to feed the scam, they actually convinced a handful of other real agencies to use their website as a shop window for girls profiles - having a genuine agency put genuine profiles up on their website created another fantastic mask... that of having a few genuine girls and the occasional success story that they could market the hell out of and use as a weapon to declare total genuine status! The genuine agencies saw revenues rise so much for their real profiles that they turned a "blind eye" to the scale of the majority con they were helping to support - the genuine agency get much higher revenue for each girl they have on their books and their agency name / brand is unaffected as it is not directly advertised on the Anastasia website. Its a no loss win.

If someone ever pursues Anastasia legally I would suggest that they ask for evidence of a translated email being created as a file.. PC forensics would show that such a file never existed near the date of the email and therefore no translation of the email was ever created or forwarded to the girl whose photos are on display as promised to the client for their payment. All the 3 professional emailers confirmed to me they never make a physical translation of the email because they simply don't need to - they can reply "straight off the bat". This above and beyond any evidence would finally put anastasia to the legal test of delivering the service they promise.

In 2008 I even met an American in his 50s at the airport in Odessa - he had flown there to meet the "girl" who he had been emailing for months... I felt so sorry for him, he had never spoken to the girl in person (only email) and he was so love struck that he even believed the fact that she couldn't meet him (despite him having flown there from the US!) because her "mum was ill"... I just didn't have the heart to tell him the truth which is... the girl whose photographs had caught his eye would have had her professional photos taken by the website, she would have been paid for the photo shoot.. that would have been the end of her involvement with the website and she would have never sent or received any email, created her profile or probably ever even logged on to Anastasia.

The professional emailers would then have been handling this poor American mans' fake "romance" from the start. I have no doubt whatsoever that the website would have contacted the girl who had her photos taken when this cash cow American arrived in Odessa - the website will have offered her a small amount of money to actually go and have a coffee with the man - this will protect the website fake reputation and spin this man out for another $500 worth of emails for sure when he lands back home so its in the website interest. The girl in this case would have refused to meet him and the website and fake emailers were left to make excuses for her not being available, even for just 5 minutes lol. I didn't have the heart to break this news to the man - I just gently hinted that things like that happen and left him to suffer his heart break when he finally accepts the truth. He had fallen in love with a completely fictitious character...

So... that was 2008 and all businesses progress right? Anastasia realising they could be heading for a reputation that they are a scam launched a "talk to the girl on webcam" service (Anastasia claiming - "hey look how real the girls on our website are")... for which, yes you guessed it.. you pay as much as a gender webcam service. Except this time the girl is doing nothing except saying what you want to hear.. she talks to you for $1 a min or however much it is - she will promise you that its you she wants and then as soon as you hang up she picks up the phone to her next victim.

Of course not every girl can be seen on webcam because some girls who got paid to have their photos taken at the start don't want to work for the website and if every girl was offered this job it would mean the professional webcam girl daters would not get full time work conning you.

Some more lucrative sidelines for this website (they really do work very hard to steal from you and try to emotionally mislead you) are:

1. They run "meet the girls" events - where on a package tour in Ukraine, provided at, you guessed it - vastly inflated costs paying themselves you get the "privilege" of meeting girls at a hall conference room.. Dawn Porter the respected British journalist made a program which covered such an event for Channel 4 (major national TV channel in UK) - google it. Her conclusion at the end was a masked comment that the event is a scam stating as her conclusion at the end - "go to one of these events and you could meet Natalia (a stunning blonde who featured in the program), the girl of your dreams, - it will only cost you a mere $5000" .. what Dawn Porter was portraying in the program is that "Natalia" (along with several others) was paid to go the meeting, be as nice as possible to all the poor men who had been suckered into paying thousands of dollars to be there, agree to go on a date with some of the men to encourage them and make them believe its so real and romantic... the guys WANT to believe it, they have paid, they have travelled, they are desperate for real love with a beautiful woman. Ms Porter could not stretch to stating it because that would have left Channel 4 with having to prove it.

2. I am not sure if this continues to be a feature of the website but they had a "date me" feature - this means that you can arrange a real date with the girl with the website help for only... yes you guessed it.. $70. For perspective, there are hundreds of girls from Ukraine who work in Prague as prostitutes and you can see those girls and have paid gender in private apartments for 1000Czech koruna (about $45). What is it Anastasia do with this $70? ermmm... one theory is (I have no direct confirmation of this from the girls I have met who are professional emailers for this website) that they pay the girl a small but acceptable amount of money to them to meet you and the website again keeps the majority of the money. (I stress this point is my theory, the other points are 100% confirmed).

This whole website is one of the best scams I have ever ever seen... a normal scam is so easy to prove... but consider how protected their position is...

All they ever need to do if the heat gets to them based around one particular con (sorry "relationship") between 2 people is say.. "oh she decided that she no longer wanted to meet a foreign man, she has started dating someone local" or "she decided that the man was not the one for her..." BEAUTIFUL -- WITHOUT THE GIRL HERSELF TESTIFYING WHO CAN EVER PROVE THIS? they can also claim if people post bad reviews about them that the person posting was bitter because a relationship broke up and they are blaming the website etc etc... BEAUTIFUL -- WHAT A GREAT WAY TO MAKE PEOPLE QUESTION A BAD REVIEW TO MAKE THEM THINK THE POSTING GENT IS NOT EMOTIONALLY STABLE

and to cap it all they are in a country where money can always to protect you from the law plus who which ukraine officials are really going to care about the tattered heart strings of stupid americans? none

Hats off to you Anastasia... you have been getting away with it for years and even though your staff openly tell foreigners about the con they are involved in, respected international journalists have pointed out your fakery some hapless love hungry guys will just keep bank rolling you...

Good luck to all you guys in your search for love... I have done all the warning I can.. its up to you now.

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:12 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:10 pm
Posts: 1
Hi! I am a girl and I am from Ukraine. All i can say is that Anastasiadate is a a real fraud. All they care about is making money. When I tried to register myself without using any angency they call me, checked my info and promised to activate soon. Two weeks passed. they never did it. I could not reach administration to find out what is the problem. Today i tried to login and could not. they even change password. All I can say they need only girls who work for agency but not marriage-mindede girls. I would be glad if you post my message all over the Web so foreigners know about this. Don't use this or any other dating site wher there thousands of beautiful girls. It is impossible all of them look for older husband abroad.

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:58 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:43 pm
Posts: 2
I can confirm that many of the women are playing a game of meeting with a man for the sake of getting what they can. I also know that they want to appear uncommitted and available which is less than true. You would have more luck picking up someone on the street than winning the heart of one of these ladies. Is it a scam, well if someone is not true in their in mtentions then that would be the case. I have seen this work for other men but it is very low odds.

But when the woman will not look you in the eye or hold your hand nevermind kiss. Well I can get ice cubes back home in the refrigerator. If you develop an emotional attachment they will take you for all they think you can afford.

Spend your life in better ways.

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:29 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:43 pm
Posts: 2
Now Bank of America is considering this payee for fradulent charges and suspending authorizations to them. What do they already know that is yet to come out? I had a Russian wife for 6 years, I know Russian and what is being said between the "interpereter" and the girl are things like lets go to this restaurant because the owner pays us a bigger tip for taking customers there. Did you ever see the price on the other menus? They actually have menus specific for these ploys. The last time I was there I got charged two bottles of champsgne and was told it was charged by the amount poured, not the bottle by the translator. So the girls are not honest in their intentions, the translators are not honest. I meet four guys in Odessa airport last time going to visit girls, one visited 8 times and works in Alaska, one was a private military protection agent, robust build, He can have the pick of the litter. Guys if you can't get it at home sadly it is probably you!

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:35 pm 

Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:20 pm
Posts: 1
In becoming involved with Anastasia Date I relied on two primary assumptions: 1) That thousands of beautiful young women would not risk damaging their reputations by being involved with a fraud, and: 2) VISA would not be processing the financial transactions of a long term scam. Boy was I wrong!

After an eight month "relationship" over the internet I went to Kherson Ukraine to visit my girlfirend and potential bride, "Yana"-who was very excited that I was coming and about the prospect of meeting me. She wrote to me via the agency until the day I arrived at my hotel in Kherson, then stopped writing. I had no other contact information. I spent several days twiddling my thumbs with nothing to do, awaiting the time when my flight departed for the States. Including airfare, hotel, and agency fees I'm out about $7000.

Although there may be some sincere partipants, Anastasia Date is primarily nothing more than a brothel full of harlots of a type-scandalous girls who sell their affection. I call it Love Prostitution.

I'm trying to get legal counsel, and I hope my attempts to sue are not going to be a fruitless effort. Any helpful information anyone can provide would be appreciated. Or perhaps a group of us can combine our suits with one attorney?


 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:06 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:29 pm
Posts: 1
Recently checked this site out, but haven't spent money yet. I kind of figured it was too good to be true. But I have to say, they do a pretty convincing job. Previously I tinkered around a Russian site and the immediate response I had from females was over the top. The first mails from these women tended to be fairly long and detailed which had me wondering from the beginning. My thinking was, "who has so much time to be sending mails like that?" My responses were fairly short and not really personal at all, but by the third mail I was already being referred to as 'dear', and they were making plans to come to be with me, even though they had no idea by that time where I was living. Also at that point they would ask for money, not too much though, maybe around $500 or so. The reasons varied, but I recall one was something along the lines of, she had flown from her home town to Moscow, but needed more money to fly the rest of the way. I also had to wonder, that while I guess I would be considered quite good looking in my later 40's, why is this model type 20 something year old beauty interested in me? Furthermore, I noticed that my name was never used in the mail, and while I asked some fairly specific questions, they were never answered. So it led me to believe that all the mail was simply automated, with probably the same one going out to hundreds of men everyday. With this in mind, I decided with one girl that I would ask for naked photos of her before we meet so that I could be sure she was the one for me. I figured on some automated reply with my request not being answered, but I have to admit, it was the one and only time it seemed my mail was read. She said she would not send naked pictures for even $1,000, to which I replied I would not even send her $1 since for all I knew I was mailing with Ivan in Moscow, or even possibly Mike in New York.

Having read a lot of the other mail on here, all of this would lead me to believe that they are indeed real women, but are only out looking to make easy money off of the suckers out there. The mails sent out are maybe not automated, but pre written with the same one used over and over again. Someone may scan your mail, but they are not replying to most or all of the questions you have.

Which leads me to Anastasia. I have to admit this site seemed more legitimate to me, because all of the mail I received did actually use my name. In fact in at least one, she used it several times throughout the mail which means someone was at least making the effort to fill in the blank with my name where she had to. Not only that, but the mail was quite specific. I am a private investigator, and she didn't just ask about my job in a general way, she said she had never met a private investigator before and asked about it. So to be fair to the site, I have to say at this point, if someone is actually making an effort to type a mail, I may spend $20-30 on just the one woman to pursue it a bit further. Also guys, try to be realistic. These women are not deperate for a man or to leave Russia/Ukraine, so don't go thinking a 20 something year old beauty will be interested in a 40 or 50 year old guy, no matter how good looking you think you are. On a closing note about Anastasia and some other sites, check out, or other sites for that matter, and you will see the real women. Some beauties, some not so, basically no different than the sites in your own countries.

I'll also make a note on most of the sites out there. I don't go on any too often, but once or twice I year I may check one or two out, just scanning the pics initially as I'm sure most of you do. I don't bother adding pics initially of myself, or fill out too much aside from my age and area I live in, since I figure the odds are I won't join the site anyway. I have had responses from young attractive women on many sites, before, as I mentioned, my pics are even up...and honestly even if my pics were up, I would not expect a young beauty to be mailing me. You have to remember that for most of the top women, they don't need to do too much scanning pics and sending the initial mail since they will have tons of men mailing them. So I am convinced that these sites may pay some woman to send out mail, trying to get people to join since on many sites you can't read the mail until you do pay. Bottom line, be smart and senseable and do not go crazy. After paying a small amount and mailing with your girl, if you can't get on to regular mail and hopefully the webcam/skype, get out while you still have money to spend on another site. Don't ever be desperate (kind of like don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach), and while I realize it is not the same for everyone, try to remember that being single is not so bad either, and a lot better than blowing money on scams, or even legit women who will marry you and take you to the cleaners down the road.

Last point I promise. Someone else here made an excellent suggestion which I will repeat. If you've mailed with any woman for awhile, Russian, Dutch, Australian, Canadian, American, Venezualan, etc., and it looks like you have both made a connection, log in under a different name, mail her and see if she is honest and says she has met someone, or will tell you she is available. If you still run after her if she says she is still available, seek help!!! And if you have money to send me around the world, remember, I am a private investigator and can check out, follow, video and photograph your future wife for you.
Have a good on guys!

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:56 pm 

Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:26 pm
Posts: 1
There are numerous horror stories on forums that have a common thread when it comes to Anastasia Date or Anastasia Web, or their other names. The letters which you have to pay to read often appear phoney and when you plan a trip to meet these "women", they always become unavailable. The suggestion you will frequently find does make sense, that Anastasia employees write the letters they sell you.
When the ones I was traveling to meet became unavailable and Anastasia refused to refund after several requests I got the attention of the Maine Attorney General's Office

Your stories and especially any proof someone may have that the employees write the letters can be sent to:


 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:46 pm 

Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:23 pm
Posts: 1
I read about half of these comments and there is a lot of truth and some mistakes and some total crap. I've been to Ukraine twice and live in Odessa for a month.

Facts and tips:
Almost all girls are real.
Translation is what you need to avoid. Most important rule.
Some girls are interested in guys, these are usually the ones that don't need translation or from small villages.
Don't go WAY out of your league.
If the girl is not fairly new to the sight it is a loosing cause
Go to chat and observe a few things like how late they are on UKR time avoid all girls that stay up past 2 am UKR time, Any chat intro that sounds like a proverb or a sexual come on or uses too many graphics needs to be avoided
Girls with very short or very long profiles are your best bet...avoid medium size profiles as these are company written
Avoid profiles with the word optimistic...a company favorite.
You can send your number through chat if it is disguised
Avoid girls with very old maximum age limits
Avoid really sappy profiles.
The more non model like photos the better
Avoid girls that never smile in photos

I met about 20 girls and only a few were not scammers but I really didn't hit it of with any except one sort of and she had bad b.o.. So I bailed. I am above average looking 46 year old male that had little trouble getting women but I moved to a tiny village and got bored with North American cookie cutter women.

That's my story..I hope it helps. Again AVOID TRANSLATION and maybe you can beat the system.

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:23 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:32 pm
Posts: 1
AnastasiaDate ("AD") is a Russian company with headquarters in Moscow. It provides its website for letters and chat, and it makes tours to various cities, mostly in Ukraine. It contracts out to local "marriage" agencies in each city for women or has its own staff working in the larger cities to collect profiles and new women.

I have been to Ukraine 8 times as of this writing. I have used AD extensively, and I have met women from the site. Here is the situation:

AnastasiaDate is the main player in this industry with more than 20,000 profiles, a huge marketing budget, and a techno-savvy website, including staff to photoshop many of the photos (almost to the point of ridiculousness). They are the "600 lb. gorilla", the "force to be reckoned with" in Ukraine. I can say that there are many frauds being committed through their site on a daily basis. Here are just some of the frauds and the reasons for this deplorable activity:

- some girls are real and sincere and only want to find a man for marriage, but the system is set up to prevent this, not to facilitate it.
- many of the girls do not write their own letters or their letters are enhanced to a large degree by the agency translators, who add words and phrases of endearment to encourage the men into email relationships. Most sincere women have little or no idea of the activities at the agency level with fake letter-writing, wording enhancement, etc...
- the chat system is very expensive and the local agencies share in 50% of the revenue, so the agencies encourage girls to chat as much as possible and hire girls to be paid chatters. The girls, many of whom can't find other work, chat and write letters and camp out overnight at their agencies sometimes with a few friends to use the agency computers for chat and letter-writing. When the buses start up again the next morning, they go home and sleep. Other girls can do it at home, but they are not awake at 3:00 a.m. local time to find a soulmate - it's all about the money!

There are ways to combat and overcome these obstacles!

(more to come in future posts - please comment if you like this info. so far)

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:19 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:02 am
Posts: 1
Anastasiadate and its affiliates are all lies! They are milking dimwit Americans! From my own experience, I have spent about $400 so far within the past couple of months and noticed that most of the girls, if not all of them work for the agency! I had received about 90 letters and had chatted with about six of the girls, as chatting is even more expensive than the letters you write to the girls!

The first letter you receive from girl is free for you to read, every letter you write will cost you 10 credits!

Each letter you send will cost you around $1, in the letters you can not mention your address, email or any other contact details! You might think $1 is nothing but wait until you become involved!

They monitor your letters and your moves on the site 24/7. It doesn't matter whether the girls are "lawyers", "doctors" or "designers", they all work for the agency to lure you and suck the money out of you!

The girls who want to chat with you, sit in one room provided by the agency in each city.

All the men who've been involved should actually gather and get a law firm to sue this blood sucking agency! But then again I'm sure these bastards have already looked into the legal issues to cover their a$$!

The girls look 180 degrees different from their pictures! Their pictures have been taken professionally and with tons of make-up! Don't fall into the trap by visiting their website! They've worked on this for years! They know exactly what your weaknesses are and they capitalizing on it!

I should have said they have known and studied your weaknesses for thousands of years! These sort and kind of people started by being loan sharks! Then they made themselves becoming legitimate by setting up banks!

It is a common belief within the girls that all the men who become a member on that site are losers and that there must be something wrong with them since they're looking for women in another country with a totally different culture to the Western culture.

I'm sure the girls all have boyfriends and possibly even husbands. The men over there, they are not bothered that their girls are on these sites, since they are making money out of the ''stupid'' foreigners! They are all into it! And it has become a huge business for cities like Odessa, Kharkov, Kherson and Kiev!

 Post subject: Anastasia International (AnastasiaDate)
PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:46 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:17 am
Posts: 4

Thank you for your feedback. At AnastasiaDate we take all our customer concerns very seriously. Our supportive Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24/7. Please contact us about this complaint as we will need more information from you to help resolve.

Our Customer Service Department can be reached by phone by dialing toll-free (+1) 800-356-3130 or (+1) 800-234-0036. Additionally we can be reached by clicking on the “contact us” link at the bottom/right of every page on our website. If you are a registered customer, you can also reach us by logging in through our website and clicking on the “LiveSupport” button at the top/right of the page.

We look forward to hearing back from you soon. For more information about our anti-scam policy please visit: <>

Customer Support Team

 Post subject: Re: Anastasia International (Anastasiaweb)
PostPosted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:34 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:17 am
Posts: 4

Thank you for your feedback. At AnastasiaDate we take all our customer concerns very seriously. Our supportive Customer Service Team is always ready to help you 24/7. Please contact us about this complaint as we will need more information from you to help resolve.
Our Customer Service Department can be reached by phone by dialing toll-free (+1) 800-356-3130 or (+1) 800-234-0036. Additionally we can be reached by clicking on the “contact us” link at the bottom/right of every page on our website. If you are a registered customer, you can also reach us by logging in through our website and clicking on the “LiveSupport” button at the top/right of the page.
We look forward to hearing back from you soon. For more information about our anti-scam policy please visit: <>

Customer Support Team

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