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 Post subject: Emile Sheringer
PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:08 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:00 pm
Posts: 34
Has anyone ever heard of this guy? He supposedly lives in Florida where he runs some kind of oil business. He is also allegedly connected to various Nigerians. I'd like to know if he's as legit as he sounds. Any help will be appreciated.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:57 pm 
Gold Member

Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:31 am
Posts: 194
"....He supposedly lives in Florida where he runs some kind of oil business. He is also allegedly connected to various Nigerians"

That'll be a scam, then.

 Post subject: Emil Scheringer
PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:12 am 

Joined: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:00 pm
Posts: 34
I was actually looking to find someone who has has some dealings with this guy. I've since found out that he is under indictment in New York City. (posting on alabamaagainstfraud website)

If anyone feels they have been defrauded by Scheringer they should contact John Abernethy. He is the prosecutor in NY handling the case. I spoke to him at 212-637-2232.

 Post subject: Yes, I know about Emil Scheringer and Adlex Bent Corp.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:22 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2006 6:02 am
Posts: 1
Unfortunately, I too know a little bit about Mr. Scheringer, Adlex, and even the details of the transaction that was supposedly behind it all. I will contact Mr. Abernathy shortly to see if I can be of any assistance. I just happened to find this post after Googling Emil Scheringer on a whim of curiosity.

I have not been involved with him for years, I was told that Mr. Wilson, the president of Adlex had died of cancer, he was the common denominator for me. I was involved trying to get Adlex Funding to build glass plants in the U.S., Emil was supposed to be bringing in the funds throught that big transaction centered around the Nigerian Govt. and the 5 ostensible heads of the Government (that included the pres, generals, secretaries and such.

As I understand it, there was a huge development project in Senegal, and they had funds left over that were distributed to certain Nigerian Government officials after the project was completed. I was told that there was originally $1.1 Billion left and that went into trading with the U.S. Fed., who had them by the short and curleys because it was all in U.S. Dollars and the Feds wouldn't let them have the money for anything but a specifically authorized

Well, the Feds supposedly turned down every project that was presented by the Nigerian group (by the way, Emil was the signatory representing all 5 of them here in the U.S. and arranging everything, and trying to find an acceptable investment vehicle for the $1.1 Billion that had actually grown to $4.4 Billion over time via the trading).

Presumably the Critically Bent Glass technology deeveloped by Adlex was acceptable to the Fed and things were on track to get the funding for Adlex.
Or so it appeared.

Of course, in true Nigerian tradition, things fell apart at the very last second, literally. There were fees and imposts, levy and such that the Nigerian Government had to assess onto the contracts to revalidate them.

It's a long story, but what happened is that Emil originally had the $4.4 Billion sitting at Chase Manhattan Bank, in Manhattan, and Barclays convinced him they could make more money for him than Chase was doing, so he moved the funds to Barclays, London. Bad move.

Barclays proceeded to use the funds without paying a cent in profits to the ownes, and when the owners (via Emil and whoever else was signatory on behalf of the Nigerian group) of the $4.4 Billion tried to get their money out, Barclays refused. They were trying to get it moved back to Chase NY so they could cash the draft and conclude the investment.

This was all with the Fed's blessing as I understand. ONe reason I'm open and talking about this is basically because I'm the one that brought Adlex to Emil, and Emil to Adlex, I didn't know Emil personally, but through a guy named Eddie Shehan out of New York, that was always hanging around a older attorney named Seargant. Anyway, Eddie was a Schiester and scammed me for money and I reported him to the authorities in New Jersey on that, but the relationship with Emil continued on because Emil
was very interested in the Glass technology because he needed it for the Nigerian groups investment money.

Well, after they got into trouble with the Barclays bank not sending the money, they got one of the Barclay's Banks largest investors (I won't mention the name) to threaten to withdraw a huge sum of money in one day) if they didn't release the funds back to Chase. That got their attention. As I recall, they gave a specific date and time for the transfer and it was to the second... July 21 I think, maybe 2001... it's been a while.

Anyway, Chase then immediately filed a complaint and I think a lawsuit against Barclays for abuse of power and not paying interest on the money.
That effectively killed everything because the money would be locked up in the lawsuit for years. So, Zach Wilson (pres of Adlex and the inventor) and the attorneys came up with a way they could work around the problem.

They did it by going back to the Nigerians and getting them to "re-issue" the draft for $4.4B. That's when I think all the money was needed to go into the company to cover those fees that totaled about $1 Million and some change. In fact, what happened that really pissed me off personally, was that they never listened to my advice during the whole thing.

The money was raised and all the fees paid and the draft, drawn on Chase Manhattan Letterhead was re-issued and cashable at the counters in NY. So all of the principals flew into NY to sign and cash it. I understand from Zach that what happened then was that the 2 Nigerian officers that were responsible to clear the draft (security bank officers from Nigeria) refused
to do it unless they received an extra $150,000 in a separate corporate account offshore) This was where I went ballistic, because of the absolute corruption of those Nigerians. It wasn't enough that they were getting that thing cashed, they had to be corrupt, they just had to do it.

Well, that timing delay threw everything off, the principals waited as long as they could, like a week in NY, then they all left because it was taking a long time to raise that last $150,000. I jumped ship at that point because I had made a call to a friend that had contacted someone very high at the Fed and had made special arrangements to walk the draft through for them and give it kit glove treatment and do it all legit. No, the Nigerians would have none of it.

So, shortly thereafter, the President of Nigeria was found dead in bed with a bunch of hookers, the rumor was he wsa poisoned with digitalis in his I'M JUST TRYING TO SELL STUFF - DELETE THIS POST?? I don't know. But, I was glad I just got away from that deal.

I had a close friend that was helping me to support Zachary Wilson during this time, keep him in a hotel and all, so he could do this deal. I essentiall did a lot of work and sacrifice helping Zach to get paperwork done and just survive. He had a lot of cash at one time, and an $80 Mill tax loss carry forward, but he was broke because the Florida Equity courts had gutted him and handed all of his money to his wife since she had custody of the kids. So, his only hope was to get Adlex funded or sold.

After everything fell through, Zach was distrought. He called me, we had become pretty close through all of this stuff, and I felt bad for him. So, I helped him negotiate a sale of Adlex Bent, Corp to a Glass company out of Fance called St. Gobain. He knew people there, I had nothing to do with them directly, just behind the scenes helping him to keep a clear head and not give away the farm.

He was originally going to sell the technology for maybe $30 M. Because of my urgings and arm-twisting he held out and ended up with a sale price of $333,333,333. or something like that. It was to be paid over a period of years with a $50 bonus at the end if he stayed with St. Gobain for the full 5 years while he tought them the inner-workings of the technology.

You may ask, why haven't you done anything about this, why haven't you sued? Well, for one, after that I was devastated and broke. Secondly, Zach had given me a Payment Order for $7 Million that he said he would make good on once he was able to come back into the U.S. in the upcoming year. St. Gobain wanted to keep him there to protect the technology and learn all they could so they could retrofit thier existing plants with the new technology -- which by the way, is 64 times faster thatn any existing critically-bent glass manufacturing technology -- so it was a Trillion dollar baby.. Under contract I was supposed to own about 1/4 of the company once funded. I have the contract, but it's worthless.

So, I ended up with the bills, a pay order that was probably worthless that
came to me via fax, and nothing but heartache for me and my family. I just tried to put it behind me and move on.

I never had any direct contact with the Nigerians, Emil was always the one, or Zach. I was only there to help structure stuff and help manage Adlex (which was going to become Global Glassworks I think). Anyway,
Zach Wilson's business agent here in the States (FL home) contacted me one day in early November by phone and told me I had a cashier's check coming to me via express mail.

I never received it. Later I found out that Zach had taken very ill shortly after that and had been flown into the U.S. for emergency medical treatment where they proceeded to remove a 25 lb. tumor out of his stomach. He was not given long to live. Apparently a trustee took over his estate and I never heard another word and I haven't received a penny for all fo that.

By the sounds of it, I'm one of the lucky ones. A friend of mine sent Zach some money as a friendly gesture, and another friend of my came up with $25,000 of the original money that was part of that $1,000,000 in fees it took to get the Draft re-issued. But neither of us expect to see that again, and it's long since been considered a loss.

I do not know what happened behind the scenes between Adlex and Emil. Emil was always doing that cloak and dagger, protect your sources crap, like a typical "broker". I never liked him and I didn't trust him at all because he always seemed to be kissing the butt's of the Nigerian principals and he was scared of them because of something else having to do with side issues I'm not aware of. But it kept him from doing the right thing. I have never understood that aspect of it.

Why in the world would someone play games when they can just do it legitimately. A classic case of greed I guess. Anyway, I feel I was royally screwed. I don't have the resources or time to pursue anything.

But, I've always wondered if Zach is really dead, what happened to Emil, Adlex, and all of that. What happened to the Glass technology.

Here is my true heart-felt complaint. I believe that Chase Manhattan Bank has absolute culpability in this matter. I believe that their security cameras must have been rolling in the bowels of the bank when those 2 bank officers effectively were demanding a bribe in my view. I told Zach, point blank, let me try to get someone that can help us with this. He liked my idea, but they wanted to do it their way. I faded then, because there was no point in going any further.
I had no money and I didn't want to participate in that stupidity, it sounded like a typical Nigerian scam to me. I remember asking Zach, why, why won't
they just follow the instructions I was given (they were like 10 or 11 specific steps in writing).and they could have been done in a few days. But, Zach told me that the Nigerians had to be loyal to each other?? If one asks for a bribe or whatever, I guess the other is obligated to comply to help them get their payola.
Now, I think I understand a little more about it. There is a strong religious influence at work, thus the loyalty. I knew little about politics at the time, since then a lot has changed.

If what I was being told all along by Zach on a daily basis is true, I believe that the U.S. Fed knew everything that was going on, and either stood their idle and/or manipulated not only the timing, via the banks and complaints, but also did nothing to protect the Glass technology from being sold to a foreign country (France) under questionable pretenses. It was very obvious at the end that there were a lot of secrets and greedy little hands in the cookie jar. I believe on that one day at Chase Manhattan Bank I personally lost my interest in Adlex, equalling exactly $1.1 Billion U.S., and the downstream profits from the glass company which come in at about $200 Mill per year per plant at 25x earnings. That's a lot to lose because a couple of crooked Nigerians need a new yacht.

Instead, me and my wife struggle to hold things together and keep electricity on. What a wonderful world we live in.

I am an all American, died-in-the-wool patriot. I wanted that technology to help America. Zach and that technology were both National Treasures that the Clinton Administration purposely let go so they could keep the $4.4 Billion frozen in the Fed's coffers, along with the other $200+ Billion. I was told that the Feds at that time held more of Nigeria's capital than any other country on earth. That's a lot of leverage.

Since the President of Nigeria had mysteriously died, the parties could no longer all meet to complete the transaction and it apparently died then and there with the President. That's all cloak and dagger stuff I don't care to know about. But, the common denominator in all of this is the leaking of informaton through the specific Fed agents involved and the Banks. But, that's all speculation on my behalf. Do you think I'm gonna pursue the Fed or the banks in court. Yea, right. I'm better off broke and destitute than
what would happen when they got through with me I'm guessing.

I obviously have nothing to hide, and I am not ashamed that I helped Zach, quite the contrary. Like I said, I had a dream, it was a good one, it would have helped this country to fulfill a NATO contract and provide Billions into the local economies where the first 3 plants would be located. One in Florida, One in Washington State, and the 3rd one near New York.

I personally am quite sick of all the hush, hush, clandestine, everythings a big secret, everythings a lie, world. I would like to see all the cards on the table.
The one mistake they all made with me, is that they kept me in the background like I didn't exist, because to most of them I didn't. I had no desire to be involved in the inner-workings of that deal. And I wasn't. But I saw it all like a fly on the wall. So, I don't know if I can be of much help. But, if I can
I happy to assist. My problem is I'm working 18 hrs. a day average, it's now almost 6am and I'm still working.

I have given almost 3 years of my life to helping Zach and Adlex and in the end I got thrown out with the garbage and lied to. Nobody in this deal has done the right thing but me. Certainly not Emil. He never once called me to apolocize or thank me or anything. So, maybe there is a God. It looks to me like he is in a lot of trouble. I'm not surprised. But, I assume the Fed must at least know who I am, I assume they had been tapping the phones and faxes the whole time.

I hope they were. But, who know what they do. I think they were heavily invloved and had a couple of rogue agents that made a little something on the side for orchestrating the perfect storm and demise of the key player that changed everything and robbed me and America of the prize we deserved. The State department should have been all over this one for national security reasons. Do you realize that President Clinton could have stopped this and America would now have the ability to build all the glass it needed for armored personnel carriers, F18 cockpits, cars, whatever, Bullet resistant glass being the key product for the military of course. Now, that IS national security, period. That is what was really accomplished with that trickery (or at the very least, blind imcompetence) within the bowels of Chase Manhattan bank that fine day.

All hush hush though. Just like it never happened. Just a little blurb in the paper about the Presiden of Nigeria dying. I know I've put a lot of info out here.
All of this just came pouring ot of my head spontaneously, I had just seen this post on Emil Scheringer. So, believe what you will, that is my story, or at least a good part of it. I imagine that some people may not like these disclosures. So, I don't really care what they like. I've lost about everything one could lose but his life. And, at this point, go ahead and take me. I'm not scared and I don't care. If I could bring down this house of cards and find out who is damaging our country like this, and me as well, then it would be worth it. Although my family would not agree.

I can't hurt anyone though. I don't know enough, I don't have proof, at least as far as I know, whatever I have the fed has. So, nobody is scared of me.

I got nothin... I got out of the big deal business at that point. I'm the least of their worries. I hope to find some truth for my efforts in writing this for anyone that is interested. All I ask is that a little sunshine be shown on this whole transaction.

I'd love to see the state department nail someone for conspiracy and take back the technology. Problem is, with Zach dead (if indeed he is) they may not have enough of the "art" of the technology to figure out how to make it work. Zach had all sorts of safety measures built into his recipes. Different guage readings and temps than were shown, you'd have to translate them first then apply the proper settings...

Just to clarify my position in all of this, I trusted Zach Wilson, and I felt that he always told me the truth. I had never caught him in a lie that I knew of.
Most of this info came directly from him over the phone. I helped him with the contracts when he sold Adlex to St. Gobain. That's when he sent me the pay order for $7 Mill as a sort of settlement for everything I had done.

He was going to pay me out of the first payment under the contract, but his x-wife's attorney screwed that all up by trying to take the whole check. He was overdue leaving for France under the terms of his contract, so he had to take off before he could pay me (or so he said).

I had been like his secretary for quite a while because I had a computer and he didn't. He was living out of a hotel in Palm Springs, FL for the last year I knew him.

He lived off of his Sony cell phone, night and day on that thing. He told me it melted once it got so hot. It's no wonder he got cancern...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:18 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:10 pm
Posts: 3
I very surprised to read all these complaints about Emil. I came across him some months ago when he tried to dupe a friend of mine with a large sum of money. I don't know him too well but from what I witnessed he is a liar and a cheat. Infact presently he is about to do some billion dollar deal with the Saudi Royal family. My friend has some of the documents he had sent for the deal. I will call the above number and give them some of this information and I will ask my frind to forward some of the Saudi documents for the authorities to examine. It is amazing, it's such a small world. Imagine googling Emil's name and comming across all this information.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:13 pm 
Site Admin/Co-Founder

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 10:09 pm
Posts: 2921
Holly wrote:
Imagine googling Emil's name and comming across all this information.

I LOVE Google because of stories like this!

This is why I always encourage victims to post information about the scammer . . . name, phone numbers, email address, mailing address, company they say that they work for . . . you never know what item someone else is going to punch into google and search out and the information you post here today could save someone else from becoming a victim tomorrow!

Shawn Mosch
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 Post subject: To the Comments Regarding Emil Scheringer
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:48 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:07 am
Posts: 1
I am Emil Scheringer.

My email address is .

Generally responding to all comments, they are inaccurate, and include false details.

Specifically, I would like to Respond to the Gentleman who wrote the long diatribe regarding his past with myself, Zach Wilson, and others.

WHO are you.?? Come forth and say WHO you are. ! !

I am aware of No One in my past that fits your description. WHAT is your game.? Are you writing a novel.? Are you somehow trying to position for some money.?

Sir, I am NOT aware of any $4.4 Bil. deal that you refer to, and I have never dealt with Chase Bank. Also, I never had any dealings whatsoever with the former Nigerian Head of State Abacha, to whom you refer.

Although you generally name-drop persons that I recognize, there is NO Coherent Truth to ANY of your story.

To the uninformed reader, it sound good, but it is entirely false; some disarray of fact and fiction that you have invented and surmised in your mind, for some unknown purpose. I suppose, it is to maybe legitimize and find a reason for the failures in your own life. Blame me.

If and when you read this, respond to me. My email address is above.

And, any others as well. Instead of hiding behind this website, and spreading false information, have the nerve and decency to directly contact me with you comment and or question.

I await the Gentleman's response.

Thank you.

Emil Scheringer.

Emil Scheringer

 Post subject: Re: Who Knows Emil Scheringer
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:28 am 

Joined: Wed May 09, 2007 10:58 am
Posts: 3
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
I have read a lot of things about this guy on this website and I had no choice but to join in order to be able to post info. I know a lot about him, we were involved in a lot of business as a matter of fact I got to know about him through some guy in Nigeria and they had something to do with some oil contracts with the Nigerian government, the guys were trying to help him with the payment. Let me know what info you are willing to find out about him and I will get everything for you as I can lay hands on detailed info about this guy.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:19 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:10 pm
Posts: 3
Deola, I think you need to do alot of research before you go into business with this guy. I don't personally know him but an aquaintance had some deal with him that was nothing but a scam. I must admit that I don't personally know him or ever contacted him before but I have been around alot of the time when they were in contact him and from what I was able to witness, he is a man with no integrity or honour. He is a cheat and a liar. I urged my friend to report his dealings with the authorities but they said that they do not want to be involved any further with anything to do with Emil. If he is so clean as he claims, why is there an indictment against him by the authorities? Has he no shame at all? I urge you seriously to make more enquires before you find yourself in big trouble. It's your call. Good luck.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 12:32 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:10 pm
Posts: 3
Below is a letter that was ent to me by someone who was almost scammed by Scheringer. If you can please contace them to let them have all thieinformation they need. If not for anything so as to exonorate yourself from any dealings you may have had with him.

"...I am irate at this guy Scheringer and would like the government to know everything it can about him before his trial. He looked me right in the eye when he lied to me. This is a dangerous man. I almost lost a large sum of money with this guy Scheringer and I am on a warpath to see justice done.
I was half expecting to see him on the episode of Dateline that aired last night!
Again, the guy that I spoke to in New York is Jon Abernethy and he said that he is the prosecutor on Scheringer's case. His number is 212-637-2232. I also spoke to the agent handling the case. His name is Cinnamo and he can be reached at 516-932-4580, ext 18. Abernethy told me that he is seeking to find people like me, you and your friend who have had dealings with Scheringer within the past 18 months because Scheringer was arrested in mid-2005 and apparently has continued his criminal ways.

Please call him".

 Post subject: Re: Emil Scheringer
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:41 am 

Joined: Wed May 09, 2007 10:58 am
Posts: 3
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Thank you Holly for that info, I appreciate it a great deal. But can you tell me why he's got the gut to post a response on here denying all those allegations when there are documents indicting him in the U.S? He really has no integrity as you have said, and I don't really think he's got blood flowing in his veins. I will call the number and if I can actually get a fax number where I can send documents signed by Scheringer to in order to facilitate his prosecution, I will do it. I am really mad at this revelation and i will email him because I do not have his number but I will email him and will do a little investigation.
Thank you. I will keep you posted.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:54 am 

Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 12:39 pm
Posts: 1
This is fantastic. I am a Nigerian who is very angry with the activities of the scam artists that come from my country. What makes me even angrier is when I see people like this Emil capitalise on that and contribute in blackening our name.
I have also been a victim of the kind of scam described above. I have heard of Scheringer and some of his business dealings and I believe the guy who wrote in before one hundred percent. The people above are correct, this man is shamefull. Emil can deny all these accusations as much as he likes but if he is clear, the prosecutors will leave him alone and all charges against him will be droped. This is a classical case of Emils demons catching up with him.
I have forwarded his name to the EFCC in Nigeria and notified them of this website so that his companies are investigated and his name is blacklisted in the government and business corridors of Nigeria. Anyone who has participated in any funny scam with him will hopefully be bought to book.
I pray that the reputation of my country can be restored and the likes of Emil can be locked up. Thank you to the organisers of this website that make the world a smaller place for scam artists and help warn innocent victims of the dangers of these scoundrels.

 Post subject: Well done, Chucks
PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 10:17 am 

Joined: Wed May 09, 2007 10:58 am
Posts: 3
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Chuks, I'm proud of you and I'm also proud to be a Nigerian. You see the problems we have always had is the misconception about the true conduct of Nigerians.
Nigerians alone cannot be involved in acts of fraud if not being aided by some of their foreign counterparts, Emil is a classical example and he has always acted like an innocent being after all the crimes he had perpetrated. I will be glad if this guy and his cohorts are being brought to book because they have done a lot of damage by bringing our dear country to disrepute.
Thank you once again for sending the info to EFCC and if you need anymore info, I will be glad to provide you with as many as possible including documents of financial transfers to Nigeria.
Thank you.

 Post subject: Re: Emile Sheringer
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:51 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:31 am
Posts: 2
In reading vastdream's long post, the over-riding issue seems to be that there never was any real evidence that ANY of this actually existed. Suppose this, I think this, maybe that, indicates presumption, and but probably no evidence, just phone calls and stories.

What if no glass technology ever existed? Manufacturing technologies don't often occur in a vacuum. They're not likely to disappear either. If you just look at this with the premise that maybe no glass technology ever existed and no large sum of money to be spirited out of Nigeria, then that leads to the conclusion that all the rest is a scam, an incredibly creative story, but just a scam. And no outrageous stories of corrupt banks, corrupt Feds, corrupt security officers from Nigeria, and fantastic conspiracies are necessary to keep the whole thing going. It's just a scam.

If you trust that Emil is on the up-and-up then all kinds of fantastic stories are required. He must be an incredibly creative liar to make up all this stuff. But he has been doing so for longer than you have been involved and he's been duping people for a long, long time. He's a pro at bilking gullible people with seductive promises of great financial rewards, and exciting cloak-and-dagger stories. Believing Emil or his procurers (maybe even friends of yours that are hooked into his scheme), over Federal officials, bank officers, postal inspectors is not very wise. Contact ANY authorities yourself. Don't take Emil's word that they are corrupt. Talk to someone and see who seems trustworthy.

It's sad, but healthy to accept responsibility for one's being duped, rather than to blame unknown parties (Feds, unnamed bankers, foreign officers, etc.) and believe in fantasies and grand conspiracies without any evidence. It's tough to swallow the bitter pill of one's own mistakes but ultimately cleansing. It makes is much easier to start fresh, and rebuild one's life or at least one's finances!

If you are involved, stop. If you won't stop, set a point in time or money when you will stop. If you don't get your millions by that point, then you should stop. Don't be seduced by one more promise. If you continue past that point you definitely know you are throwing good money after bad, and in denial that you have been duped. Like a gambler who can't stop because the next bet will erase all the previous bad bets, continuing to participate in such a scam because you are in denial that you have been duped is denial of your problem.

Promises of great riches, great fame, and participation in grand projects are very seductive. Ignoring the advice of friends, family, professional advisers, like accountants, lawyers, bankers, etc., thinking "they'll see when I have my millions" is magical thinking, not positive thinking. For positive thinking to work you have to believe what you say you're believing. But when you are suppressing your common sense, when you actually know this is "too good to be true" and when you feel that there is something fishy going on but you continue to "have faith" is lying to yourself.

I wish you the best. I mean I'd be happy if you did get those millions! But if you don't and you keep throwing away money and never get any return then you are participating in dishonest, immoral, even criminal endeavors. Be bold enough to follow your own highest intuitions.

 Post subject: Re: Emile Sheringer
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:16 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:10 pm
Posts: 51

That was exactly what I was thinking reading the above. It's a pretty common theme in 419 scams. Although this was one heck of a complex set up I tend to side with you that no real technology existed. It was merely a very involved ruse to get people to pay a bunch of up front fees and bribes.

@Deola and chucks

Thank you for coming forward and denouncing the scammers who operate from your country. As a baiter dealing with scammers every day, it's sometimes hard to see that most Nigerians are good honest people. It's always an honor to hear from people like you.

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